Real atheists and Fake atheists

Hindu atheists aren't regarded as "real atheists" by the self-righteous prudish atheists that constitute the neo-atheist orthodoxy. Not because we make claims that do not correspond with modern scientific temper or that we somehow secretly worship Hindu Gods and Goddesses, or some other bizarre accusation.

Hindu atheists are regarded as a false kind of atheist, a heretic of sorts from the atheist orthodoxy, because we are more comfortable with the Hindu cultural home in which we were raised, rather than the artificially constructed false community that is the "atheist community". The "atheist" community is not only a shoddily put together patchworked creature of incompatible peoples, but more increasingly a religious orthodoxy onto itself, of the left-wing progressive variety.

It is increasingly impossible to regard the vast majority of those in the atheist community as rational and skeptical, or at least drawing from a skeptical epistemological worldview, when the metaphysics of the old-religions (be it polytheistic, monotheistic, henotheistic or any other) has been replaced with the new religions of the 21st century, namely progressivism, wokeism, cultural Marxism and postmodernism.

These worldviews, much like religion have their own metaphysical claims that are equally unfalsifiable and unverifiable by any 3rd party, they include their own ethics and guidelines for men and women to follow, and they also include blasphemy. These worldviews are the exact equivalent of the nature and form that religion used to take when it still held socio-political power and grasp over institutions. Now it is these worldviews that hold sway over the government, bureaucracy, think-tanks, corporations and any other institution of any relevance.

A primary example of this is the notion of "transgenderism" or that something as fundamental as biological sex is fluid and based on social norms and gender roles rather than chromosomes and anatomy. A particular individual's claim to be the opposite gender is as unverifiable and unfalsifiable as that of an individual's claim to have experienced the divinity or something equally supernatural. If the forcing upon of individual experience over scientific fact is set to be the norm, it opens the pandora's box of all sorts of pseudo-scientific and supernatural claims to be re-evaluated again, for an exorcism or a similar practice to ward away ghosts or vampires can be said to have equal validity.

The whole talking point that religions make sets of contradictory claims therefore they can be easily dismissed can also be put aside as a hypocrisy when looked at the separate claims made in the LGBTQIA+ coalition. If the proposition made to legitimize homosexuality is that the sex to which you are attracted to is decided at birth, and the proposition made to legitimize transgenderism is that the sex to which you are born in is subject to individual choice, how can these two separate claims be reconciled together under a common worldview and celebrated in the same platform as "pride"?

After a point, it becomes more and more apparent that atheism is vulnerable to religions that take the guise of secular political worldviews and creep into the minds of those who consider themselves rational. It is very obvious after close examination that the creature known as a pure sceptic, basing the ideas of his mind on only that which can be proven, is a rare one, perhaps even extinct.

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